Monday, 16 December 2013

Classroom behaviours and energy

Since the beginning of the year, division 1 has been building a classroom community where they are comfortable and respectful of classmates and adults.  Another large focus for our class has been creating and building strategies and awareness of our work habits.  As
the students get older, the work load, content, and expectations also grow.  Grade 6 and 7 students are expected to be able to work quietly and independently in addition to trying their best in all subjects. The students have been building upon their skills and starting to self regulate their behaviours so they can finish their work well and with confidence.

Today my two dogs, Hunter and Hailey, came to the school to demonstrate how animals, just like people, pick up on the energy and temperament of those around them.  We talked as a class about how our class feeds off of each other and can become noisy, which makes it very difficult for the students to complete their work.  My dogs were very excited when they arrived.  I'm very proud to say that Division 1 did an excellent job of staying calm and it greatly affected the behaviour of the dogs.  Hunter really picked up on the energy in the room and calmed down right away and really demonstrated that our behaviour changes how others feel and act.  Even though Hailey needed more time to calm down and feel comfortable in a room of 28 students, this shows us that we all work a little bit differently and need to be aware of our behaviour as well as those around us.

The class really responded to the dogs and we will continue to use this experience to help the students become aware of themselves and how their behaviours affects others.  I think it was a great learning experience that we will benefit from now and in the new year.

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